Tyndale Theological Learning Center

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

 2 Timothy 3:16-17(NIV)



Conference Notes - CLICK HERE

Conference - Israelology

September 6-7, 2024


Israelology: Israel in God’s Plan

There is a video (free access) on VyrsityTV, an introductory and overview module to watch before hand:  The link will be active on August 30th for you to view.

 Video Preview (asynchronous) – Module 1: Intro to Issues, Controversies, and Diverse Views on Israel



6-6:50 – Module 2: Worldview and Hermeneutic Foundations

7-7:50 – Module 3: What is Israel

8-8:50 – Module 4: Why Israel Matters



8:30-9:20 – Module 5: Israel and the Biblical Covenants

9:30-10:20 – Module 6: A Biblical History of Israel

10:30-11:20 – Module 7: Biblical Distinctions (Between Israel, the church, and other entities)

11:30-12:30 – Lunch

12:30-1:20 – Module 8 – Israel’s Prophetic Chronology

1:30-2:20 – Module 9 – Socio Political Implications

2:30-3:00 – Module 10 – WrapUp and Q&A




Contact information:

Tyndale Seminary & Biblical Institute website www.tyndale.edu